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This platform is feature-packed. First, it will be the center for our governance system. For those new to crypto and blockchain, governance allows users to vote on the blockchain, similar to how stockholders vote in a Fortune 500 company. In this context, governance can be used to run the entire company, known in crypto as DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). Some companies using this model are entirely run by this system, without an official C-suite comprising roles like COO, CEO, or CFO. We are taking a hybrid approach because it is highly important to have someone who can be held responsible. Additionally, it is important to have positive outside influence to avoid the appearance of bias. When multiple people agree that something might be good, the odds tend to favor the majority. If something seems questionable in a product, there is a higher chance of rejection in good faith.
The second feature of this platform is funneling as many crypto tools as possible into one location. Currently, platforms with many tools lack user-friendly navigation and understanding, leading to lower usage. Some of these tools include resources such as blockchain explorers.
The primary purpose of this platform is to showcase our Czerka Labs indices and Digital Asset Classification system. That's right, we took the time to create an easy-to-understand digital asset classification system on which our indices will be based. For the first time ever, we will be creating a custom index for corporations! This need is important because as people look for more opportunities to maximize their earning potential, they tend to follow professionals such as Warren Buffet. This will also give hedge fund managers more exposure to a broader audience, as their potential investors will have a gauge to determine their potential success. Our indices will include both crypto and stock classifications.
To learn more about our other platform ETE Starkiller base click here