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Audacity Dream Fund

Updated: Oct 15, 2024

Anyone that ever tried to start a business runs into 3 unique problems:




Firstly, they may lack the personal funds needed to start a business. Secondly, their credit might not be sufficient to secure a loan. Lastly, they may not have the prior revenue to back the loan they are seeking. Yet we are often told that owning a business is the ultimate path to financial freedom. For startups, securing funding can seem nearly impossible, especially when the startup costs are high. Czerka Labs aims to establish a fund that defies the norm; here, credit and revenue are less important than vision, preparation, and coachability.

The reality is that no one has control over their beginnings, as they do not choose their parents. Therefore, it's not uncommon for aspiring business owners to have poor credit because life is expensive, the cost of living is high, and credit cards are often a temporary solution to the stagnant wages offered by many companies. Czerka Labs believes that having a vision should be the priority. A vision communicates to your investors or funders that you understand your market, the competitive nature of the industry, and how to remain competitive based on customer psychology and industry practices. Preparation involves having a solid vision to scale and grow the business, a realistic outlook on early sales within the industry, and the necessary licenses and permits to operate. It also means understanding the laws and regulations that govern the industry and could cause setbacks. Coachability refers to whether you are willing to take advice and collaborate with those more knowledgeable than yourself to launch and grow your idea, or if you prefer to maintain control and do things your way. Successful businesspeople are often coachable visionaries who are willing to work within networks and groups to bring their ideas to fruition. In essence, they are everyday individuals with hopes and dreams.

No one should have their dreams denied due to how they started or where they came from.

If you want to learn more details about our goals and what we want to offer, click here.

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